
Back office refers to the administrative and managerial work within the office team that does not involve customers and is basically in the office all day long.

Marketing, product development, and engineers who are in the office all day long but communicate with customers via email, or who manufacture services and products for customers, are not back office workers.

The typical ones are human resources and accounting.


Human Resources The job of Human Resources is "to develop an organization through human resources" and includes such tasks as recruitment planning, recruitment activities, education and training, establishment of an evaluation system, and labor affairs (social insurance, payroll).

Depending on the size of the company, there may be a team called "general affairs," or some of the work may be outsourced to outside experts.


Accounting The job of accounting is to manage the company's money, and it is often called "accounting department" in Japanese. Accounting is about keeping track of the day-to-day flow of money and recording it in books.

Financing (such as borrowing funds from banks) based on the books compiled by the accounting department is called Financing. In large companies, the accounting department and the finance department are separated, but the accounting department is often responsible for the finance.

【日英】GLOBAL Desk Staff/ Payroll&Social insurance/Outsourcing Vendor @ Tokyo

世界第5位の会計事務所の社労士部門におけるグローバルデスクの募集です! グローバルデスク@東京、英語ネイティブ、事務系ビジネス経験 *日本人と仕事の経験の有無(マストで必要です) *英語...

Type of Job
Working location
Bangladesh Brunei Cambodia China Hongkong India Indonesia Japan Korea Laos Malaysia Mongolia Myanmar Nepal Philippines Singapore SriLanka Taiwan Thailand Vietnam
3,300,000円 〜 4,200,000円 /Year


上場企業の経理担当募集@東京 ・日商簿記2級 ・中小規模の事業会社での単体決算業務の経験3年以上(1社にて、業種不問) ・会計システム(勘定奉行、PCA、TKC、弥生会計、等)の利用経験

Type of Job
Working location
東京都品川区西五反田1-21-8 ヒューリック五反田山手通ビル6階
Bangladesh Brunei Cambodia China Hongkong India Indonesia Japan Korea Laos Malaysia Mongolia Myanmar Nepal Philippines Singapore SriLanka Taiwan Thailand Vietnam
4,000,000円 〜 5,000,000円 /Year



Type of Job
Working location
Bangladesh Brunei Cambodia China Hongkong India Indonesia Japan Korea Laos Malaysia Mongolia Myanmar Nepal Philippines Singapore SriLanka Taiwan Thailand Vietnam
5,000,000円 〜 /Year



Type of Job
Working location
大阪府大阪市淀川区 ※将来的に就業場所が変更される場合があります。詳細は面談時にお伝えします。
Bangladesh Brunei Cambodia China Hongkong India Indonesia Japan Korea Laos Malaysia Mongolia Myanmar Nepal Philippines Singapore SriLanka Taiwan Thailand Vietnam
3,240,000円 〜 4,490,000円 /Year


組織拡大に伴う人員強化のため、人事企画担当(マネージャー候補)を募集します。 ■ポジションの魅力: ”変革期”の企業人事経験が積めます。目まぐるしく変化する事業環境・事業戦略の中で、組織と...

Type of Job
Working location
東京 ※将来的に就業場所が変更される場合があります。詳細は面談時にお伝えします。
Bangladesh Brunei Cambodia China Hongkong India Indonesia Japan Korea Laos Malaysia Mongolia Myanmar Nepal Philippines Singapore SriLanka Taiwan Thailand Vietnam
6,000,000円 〜 9,000,000円 /Year